Water Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find the City of Paul current water rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you. 

Should you experience a problem with your water, please call the phone numbers provided. We will do everything possible to locate the problem with your water.

For water delivered during the months of October through April (Winter Rate)...

Meter Size          Amount per Month

3/4"                   $50.00

1"                      $75.00

1 1/2"                $150.00

2"                      $250.00


For water delivered during the months of May through September (Summer Rate)

                                                                                                               Cost per Gallon

                                                             Maximum Delivery                        Exceeding Base

Meter Size              Base Rate                  for Base Charge                           Rate Maximum                

3/4" residential      $40.00                         15,000 gal                                   $1.00/1000 gal up to cap

3/4" commercial      $50.00                       15,000 gal                                   $1.00/1000 gal no cap

1"                               $75.00                         22,500 gal                                    $1.00/1000 gal no cap

1 1/2"                         $150.00                      45,000 gal                                    $1.00/1000 gal no cap

2"                               $250.00                      75,000 gal                                    $1.00/1000 gal no cap

Not including late fees or (reconnection fees-regular business hours $25.00, non-business hours $50.00), the water bill for a 3/4" residential water meter connection shall not exceed the cap of $64.00 per month.  




Contact Info

Paul City Office

Paul City Shop

After Hours Emergency
Sheriff Office Dispatch